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Socializing of employees strengthens team spirit and improves the working environment


Socializing of employees at events such as the summer picnic and the end of year party is very important to build and strengthen good relationships, which has a direct impact on the working environment and productivity. Such events are not just an opportunity to relax, but have many long-term benefits for the company and its employees.

Again, this year, all employees got together at a summer picnic, where we could choose between different activities according to our own wishes and interests. We organized a hike through beautiful nature, cycling along picturesque paths, a relaxing breathing workshop, beach volley and motorcycle trip. The weather was sunny and very hot at first, but later we were also hit by a short storm, which did not spoil the good mood and positive atmosphere among the participants.

summer teambuilding

The importance of socializing employees at informal events

Informal gatherings of employees bring many benefits that we all need to be aware of:

  • Strengthening team spirit: employees get to know each other better outside the work environment and develop closer bonds, which contributes to better cooperation and communication within the team.
  • Employees motivation and satisfaction: these events show that the company values its employees and cares about their well-being. This increases motivation and satisfaction of employees, who are committed and feel more valued.
  • An opportunity to relax and reduce stress: Socialising outside the workplace allows employees to relax and take a break from their daily work tasks and the stresses associated with them.
  • Fostering innovation and creativity: When employees feel relaxed, they are more open to thinking outside the box, which is crucial for the progress of the company.
  • Reinforcing company culture: Getting together allows employees to identify with the company's vision and mission and feel part of a bigger whole.

Informal gatherings of employees are an important element in a successful business environment. Employees who feel connected, valued and relaxed are the ones who will contribute most to the growth and progress of the company. So let's not underestimate the power of a good party and a relaxed chat over coffee - sometimes it's the little things that make a big difference.

summer holiday

Summer holiday notice

As the sun is warming us up and we are looking forward to a well-deserved break, we would like to inform you that our company will be operating on a limited basis from 29th July to 16th August 2024 due to the holidays. During this period, we will do our best to ensure all your needs and requests are addressed as soon as possible.

For more information, contact us at

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