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ERROR: Control voltage 230V (-FXX.X)

ERROR: Control voltage 230V (-FXX.X)
AC voltages (230V) fuse is off. The fuse is located in the same part of the cabinet as PLC control unit (usually behind the doors with HMI screen). Code from the error text message match with code on fuse sticker.
- Check if the fuse is in up position. If the fuse is off, turn it back on.
- If the fuse turns off again, there is a short circuit on electrical installation. One of the AC voltage consumers may be in short circuit. AC voltage 230V voltage is used to turn on the power switches of the motors.
- Possible causes of contact; element failure or damaged wiring.
If you need additional information, call the Gostol TST service department.
Žarko Rejec
M: 00386 40 725 594