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INFORMATION: Initialization

INFORMATION: Initialization
The initialization process enables the "smart" valve to be moved in the optimal position at the start of sandblasting, and the actual motor current of the throwing wheel is close to desired.
In order to be able to carry out the initialization procedure, the machine must be in manual mode, all drives of abrasive transport and all turbines must be working. Before starting the process, we must close the actuator to 0% and open the abrasive valve.
The user must be logged in as "Servicer": User: service, Password: user01.
Before pressing the "START INITIALIZATION" button, it is very important to enter the parameters correctly:
- I_min: lower turbine current value for initialization.
- I_max: the maximum value of the turbine current for initialization, which must not be higher than the rated current.
- I_step: ∆I - step current value between I_min and I_max.
- I_hist: current hysteresis within which the current of the turbine motor must be located before the initialization switches to the next step.
Example, for a throwing wheel motor with a rated current of 13A:
I_min = 8A, I_max = 13A, I_step = 1A, I_hist = 0.5A
The initialization process must always finish with 100%, otherwise the machine will not work properly! If this is not the case, process must be repeated with changed parameters.
If you need additional information, call the Gostol TST service department.
Žarko Rejec
M: 00386 40 725 594