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ERROR: Safety module - Emergency stop (-KXX.X)

ERROR: Safety module - Emergency stop (-KXX.X)
The safety module checks the status of all emergency buttons, the buttons can be located on the machine (elevator), in the machine and on electrical cabinets.
- Check all emergency buttons (keys must be released). If the button is pressed, it must be rotated to raise it to the released position.
If all buttons are released, but the error is still present, check the safety module in the electrical cabinet. The module is located in the same part of the cabinet as PLC control unit (usually behind the HMI screen door). Code from the error text message match with code on safety module sticker.
Security modules can be different, but they all work according to the same principle.
- Check the 24V power supply of the module, the first led indicator on the module must light up. Measure the DC voltage at terminals A1 – A2. If voltage is present (24VDC) and the power indicator on the module is not on, a new module must be ordered.
- Use instrument and check the contact between the terminals; S11 – S21 and S12 – S22. If all stop buttons are released, we should have continuous contact between these two terminals. If this is not the case, there is a fault in the wiring
- When we press the button to clear the error, we must have continuous contact between terminals X1 - X2. we check this with the instrument. If this is not the case, check the relay that turns on this contact.
If you need additional information, call the Gostol TST service department.
Žarko Rejec
M: 00386 40 725 594