ERROR: The name of the drive that the inverter is driving - In error (-XX.X)

This error can occur on any inverters, for example; fan, elevator, rollers, turbines. We open the electrical cabinet and find the inverter in error, the label from the error text must match the label on the label. A faulty inverter usually also has one red light on, which indicates an error.


  • We place keyboard to this invertor, usually only one inverter has a keyboard, which can be moved.

Ekran Danfoss

  • Read the active alarm code from the screen and check it in the manufacturer's instructions..
No. Description Warning Alarm Trip lock Cause
2 Live zero error x x - The signal on terminal 53 or 54 is less than 50% of value set in parameter 6-1 Terminal 53 Low Voltage, parameter 6-20 Terminal 54 Low voltage, and parameter 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current.
3 No motor x - - No motor has been connected to the output of the frequency converter.
4 Mains phase loss1) x x x Missing phase on the supply side, or the voltage imbalance is too high. Check the supply voltage.
7 DC overvoltage1) x x - DC-link voltage exceeds limit.
8 DC undervoltage1) x x - DC-ling voltage drops below the voltage warning low limit.
9 Inverter overloaded x x - More than 100% load for too long.
10 Motor ETR overtemperature x x - Motor is too hot due to more than 100% load for too long.
11 Motor thermistor overtemperature x x - Thermistor or thermistor connection is disconnected, or the motor is too hot.
12 Torque limit x x - Torque exceeds value set in either parameter 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Made or parameter 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode.
13 Overcurrent x x x Inverter peak current limit is exceeded. If this alarm occurs on power-up, check whether power cables are mistakenly connected to the motor terminals.
14 Ground fault - x x Discharge from output phase to ground.

Short circuit

- x x Short circuit in motor or on motor terminals.
17 Control word timeout x x - No communication to frequency converter.
25 Brake resistor short-circuited - x x Brake resistor is short-circuited, thus the brake function is disconnected.
26 Brake overload x x - The power transmitted to the brake resistor over the last 120 s exceds the limit. Possible corrections: Decrease brake energy via lower speed or longer ramp time.
27 Brake IGBT / Brake chopper short-circuited - x x Brake transistor is short-circuited, thus the brake function is disconnected.
28 Brake check - x - Brake resistor is not connected / working.
30 U phase loss - x x Motor phase U is missing. Check the phase.
31 V phase loss - x x Motor phase V is missing. Check the phase.
32 W phase loss - x x Motor phase W is missing. Check the phase.
34 Fieldbus fault x x - PROFIBUS communication issues have occurred.
35 Option fault - x - Fieldbus detects internal faults.
36 Mains failure x x - This warning / alarm is only active if the supply voltage to the frequency converter is less thant the value set in parameter 14-11 Mains Voltage at Mains Fault, and parameter 14-10 Mains Failure is NOT se to [0] No Function.
38 Internal fault - x x Contact the local Danfoss supplier.
40 Overload T27 x - - Check the load connected to terminal 27 or remove short-circuit connection.
46 Gate drive voltage fault - x x -
47 24 V supply low  x x x 24 V DC may be overloaded.

AMA check Unom and Inom

- x - Wrong setting for motor voltage and / or motor current.
52 AMA low Inom - x - Motor current is too low. Check the settings.
53 AMA big motor - x - The power size of the motor is too large for the AMA to operate.
54 AMA small motor - x - The power size of the motor is too small for the AMA to operate.
55 AMA parameter range - x - The parameter values of the motor are outside of the acceptable range. AMA does not run.
56 AMA interrupt - x - The AMA is interrupted.
57 AMA timeout - x - -
58 AMA internal - x - Contact Danfoss.
59 Current limit x x - Frequency converter overload.
61 Encoder loss x x - -
63 Mechanical brake low - x - Actual motor current has not exceeded release brake curent within start delay time window.
65 Control card temp x x x The cutout temperature of the control card has exceeded the upper limit.
67 Option change - x - A new option is detected or a mounted option is removed.
68 Safe Torque off x x - STO is activated. If STO is in manual restart mode (default), to resume normal operation, apply 24 V DC to terminals 37 and 38, and initiate a reset signal (via fieldbus, digital I/0, or [Reset] / [Off Reset] key). If STO is in automatic restart mode, applying 24 V DC to terminals 37 and 38 automatically resumes the frequency converter to normal operation.
69 Power card temp x x x The cutout temperature of the power card has exceeded the upper limit.
80 Drive initialized to default value - x - All parameter settings are initialized to default settings.
87 Auto DC braking x - - Occurs in IT mains when the frequency converter coasts, and the DC voltage is higher than 830 V for 400 V units and 425 V for 200 V units. The motor consumes energy on the DC link. This function can be enabled / disabled in parameter 0-07 Auto DC Braking.
88 Option detection - x x The option is removed successfully.
95 Broken belt x x - -
120 Position control fault - x - -
188 STO internal fault - x - 24 V DC supply is connected to only 1 of the 2 STO terminals (37 and 38), or failure in STO channels is detected. Ensure that both terminals are connected to 24 V DC supply, and that the discrepancy between the signals at the 2 terminals is less than 12 ms. If the fault still occurs, contact the local Danfoss supplier.
nw run Not while running - - - Parameter can only be changed when the motor is stopped.
Nap A wrong password was entered - - - Occurs when using a wrong password for changing a password-protected parameter.

1) These errors can cause fluctuations in the mains supply. Installing a Danfoss line filter can eliminate this problem.


Siemens ekran

If you need additional information, call the Gostol TST service department.
Žarko Rejec
M: 00386 40 725 594

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