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Special types of shot blasting machines enable shotblasting of the outer surface of workpieces to remove rust, scales or other contaminants. In the case of wire, shotblasting is used to remove scales, and it also enables the detection of defects on the surface of rolled products.
The shot blasting machines offer the capability to efficiently shotblast the outer surfaces of pipes, round bars, profiles, as well as cylinders with varying diameters and lengths. It remains crucial that the workpieces are entirely devoid of rust, scales, and other contaminants, regardless of whether they are finalized products or utilized within other manufacturing contexts.
For wires, shotblasting serves the purpose of scale removal, while also facilitating the identification of surface defects on rolled products. Shotblasting boasts several advantages over acid pickling, which include:
Pipes, round bars and profiles, cylinders
Suitable shot blasting machines: